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One-Stop Student Services

One-Stop Feedback

Thank you for visiting One-Stop! We love hearing from students and welcome any feedback you have about your experience with us.

We are continuing to adapt our service strategies to meet the needs of our Osprey community, so we appreciate when you tell us what’s working for you and what’s not! While many processes, timelines, and policies are outside of our control, we collect and share your feedback with the responsible parties to whom those functions belong. This feedback helps us have meaningful conversations about our service priorities and the ways in which students are affected by federal, state and institutional policies.

We have two survey options for you to provide feedback!

Quick Survey

Did you speak with us today? We have a short, 30-second survey for you to give us your thoughts about today’s interaction. You can also give kudos to specific staff members here!

Choose the method of communication you used with One-Stop today to begin the survey:

Slightly Longer Survey

This two-minute survey about a recent interaction with One-Stop allows you to provide more details or share your thoughts about certain policies or procedures. And you can give kudos to staff members here too!

Complaints and Appeals

Do you have a complaint about a university policy or an experience you’ve had with a university office? The Student Ombuds website provides resources and information that may help you connect with the appropriate party to express and resolve your concern. It also contains information about appeals.

Student Ombuds