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Associated Minor Programs

The following minors may include course work from the Philosophy Program. It is important to note that courses cannot be used for fulfillment of requirements both for the philosophy major AND for a minor.

Asian Studies Minor

Man in Asian robes standing in doorway bowing head in front of a wall statueAsian Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to facilitate an academic concentration in South, Southeast or East Asian civilization. Students who pursue a minor field in asian studies will be required to take ASN 3003/Introduction to Asia (or its equivalent) and to identify a thematic sequence of courses totaling 12 additional credit hours. Students will determine this sequence in consultation with a faculty member in asian studies, choosing either to focus on a specific geographical area (e.g., East Asia or South Asia) or on a particular discipline (e.g., religion or literature).

Students minoring in Asian Studies must have the approval of a member of the Asian Studies Faculty. The faculty in Asian studies includes professors of religion, literature, philosophy, history, sociology, political science, business and education. Together, they offer a broad range of courses conceived to provide students both with the opportunity to encounter Asia from the perspective of its inhabitants and to employ a comparative perspective on the Asian contribution to world civilization.

Philosophy Courses which may count toward the Asian Studies Minor include:

  • PHH 3811 - The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism
  • PHH 3820 - Chinese Philosophy
  • PHI 3931 - Selected Topics: Philosophy East and West
  • Classical Civilization Minor

Classical Civilization Minor

It's an interdisciplinary program administered by the Department of History. Contributing disciplines include Art, Foreign Language, Literature, History, and Philosophy. The minor enables students to fashion a course of study imparting a broad yet coherent understanding of the civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. The minor should be helpful to students seeking admission to graduate studies in fields related to classical studies. More specifically, it provides necessary background for students wishing to pursue graduate study in Ancient Philosophy.

Philosophy Courses which may count toward the Classical Civilization Minor include:

  • PHH 3100 - Ancient Philosophy
  • PHH 3120 - The Greek Experience
  • Environmental Studies Minor
  • Philosophy Courses which may count toward the Environmental Studies Minor include:
  • PHI 3640 Environmental Ethics
  • PHM 2030 Ecological Philosophy

Gender Studies Minor

The purpose of the Gender Studies minor is to provide interested students with an opportunity to focus a portion of their college studies on issues related to women's lives, culture and history, men's studies, and to the impact of gender on human experience an dbehavior across a variety fo disciplines. In particular, the minor explores gender issues and experience and fosters educational equity. It provides an opportunity for faculty and students alike to explore women's changing social roles, experiences, problems, and contributions to society, which have often been omitted in the tradional academic disciplines. Also included in the gender studies minor is the growing new area of men's studies, which focus on men as a sex and how gender impacts men's lives. Courses in the Gender Studies minor invesitgate the full diversity of women's and men's experience and gender issues. The minor provides opportunities for true interdisciplinary learning, since the program requires students to take courses from across college and university offerings.

Philosophy Courses which may count toward the Gender Studies Minor include:

  • PHI 3632 - Ethics of Sex and Gender
  • PHM 3020 - Philosophy of Love and Sex.
  • International Studies Minor
  • Philosophy Courses which may count toward the International Studies Minor include:
  • PHH 3500 - 19th Century Philosophy
  • PHH 4601 - 20th Century Continental Philosophy
  • PHI 3071 - The Japanese Mind
  • PHI 3700 - Philosophy of Religion
  • PHM 3202 - Political Philosophy
  • Religious Studies Minor
  • Philosophy Courses which may count toward the Religious Studies Minor include:
  • PHI 3700 - Philosophy of Religion
  • PHH 3811 - The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism

Environmental Studies Minor

The minor in Environmental Studies covers a broad range of environmental issues, laying the foundation for the understanding of complex environmental issues and the interactions between human behavior, technology, and the natural environment.

Philosophy Courses which may count toward the Environmental Studies Minor include:

  • PHI 3640 Environmental Ethics
  • PHM 2030 Ecological Philosophy

International Studies Minor

The minor in International Studies allows undergraduate students to pursue an interdisciplinary and comparative study of foreign cultures and societies while fulfilling the academic requirements for a minor in one of the College of Arts and Sciences degree programs. Students choosing to minor in International Studies take three required courses and two elective courses, selected from the respective lists for the major program of study.

Philosophy Courses which may count toward the International Studies Minor include:

  • PHH 3500 - 19th Century Philosophy
  • PHH 4601 - 20th Century Continental Philosophy
  • PHI 3071 - The Japanese Mind
  • PHI 3700 - Philosophy of Religion
  • PHI 3930 - Germany Today
  • PHM 3202 - Political Philosophy