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You can create links to internal pages, documents, images, bookmarks, emails, or external sites.

Creating an internal link:

  • Move the cursor to where you'd like to insert the link.
  • Click on the chain link picture within the editing toolbar. A new window will open.Editor icon bar highlighting the insert/edit link icon
  • Select Internal and then click within the Link Source field.
  • Click on Browse within the new window that has opened to the right of the screen.
  • Select the type of media you would like to insert as a link and click on Choose at the top right hand of the window.
  • Enter a label within the Text to Display box (center window), making sure it's descriptive. Avoid using words like "link" and "click here".
  • Leave the title box empty.
  • Style your link if you'd like by choosing from the options in the Styling field. Press Ctrl/Cmd at the same time as clicking to select multiple formats.
  • Click OK.



Creating an external link:

  • Highlight the text to be linked. Use verbiage that already exists within your content instead of words like "link" or "click here".
  • Click on the chain link picture within the editing toolbar. A new window will appear (picture of link icon shown in internal links section).
  • Enter the URL of the external page you're linking to in the link source field.
  • Check your text to display.
  • Leave the title box empty.
  • Style your link if you'd like by choosing from the options in the Styling field. Press Ctrl/Cmd at the same time as clicking to select multiple formats.
  • Click OK.


To create an email link:

  • Click on the picture of the chain link within the tool bar (picture of link icon shown in internal links section).
  • Select External as the Link Type within the new window.
  • Enter mailto: before the email address. See below.
  • Enter the relevant email address.
  • Check the text to display. Make sure it is descriptive.
  • Leave the title box empty.
  • Style your link if desired. Press Ctrl/Cmd and click to select multiple formats.
  • Click OK.

Add mailto: in front of email addresses


To create an anchor link to a location within a page:

  1. Place your cursor at the spot where you'd like the anchor to be placed and click the Anchor button in the toolbar.Cascade CMS editor anchor link icon
  2. Enter a name for your anchor and click OK.
  3. If the anchor isn't in the same page as the anchor link, edit the page you'd like to contain the link to the anchor.
  4. Select the text you'd like to link to the anchor and click the Insert/Edit link button in the toolbar.
  5. Leave the link type as "Internal", click the page chooser, and browse for the page containing the anchor. For anchors in the same page, this will be the current page.
  6. In the "Anchor" field, type or paste the exact ID you used when creating the anchor. This will append the anchor ID to the end of the link URL.

Anchor Links List

To create a group of anchor links that act as a menu on a page:

  1. Place your cursor at the spot where you'd like the anchor to be placed and click the Anchor button in the toolbar.Cascade CMS editor anchor link icon
  2. Enter a name for your anchor and click OK.
  3. Repeat steps one and two until all anchor locations are built.
  4. At the top of the page click the Bullet List menu option in the WYSIWYG editor.Bullet list icon hovered in WYSIWYG editor
  5. Add each menu item.
  6. Select the text you'd like to link to the anchor and click the Insert/Edit link button in the toolbar.
  7. Leave the link type as "Internal", click the page chooser, and browse for the page containing the anchor. For anchors in the same page, this will be the current page.
  8. Highlight the full menu list and select Formats then select the option for Custom and choose anchorlinks.Cascade WYSIWYG Formats menu with Custom and anchorlinks option selected
  9. Your menu should end up looking like this list of links.Anchor links menu example with all the different Advanced Layout features

tablet and pencil icon

All anchor link menus must be made into a list in order to be ADA compliant.


Creating a Button:

  • Highlight the text you would like built within your button.
  • Click on the chain link picture on the toolbar and create a link (picture of link icon shown in internal links section).
  • Select what type of button you would like to use from the Styling field.
  • Buttons are automatically a medium size. If you'd like a larger or smaller button, choose multiple options from the Styling field by holding Ctrl/Cmd while selecting.

Color options:

btn-blue btn-gray btn-cyan
blue with border gray with border cyan with border

Size options:


