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Campus Planning, Design and Construction

Capital Project Service Request

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myWings > Employee Resources > Employee Forms > Campus Planning, Design & Construction Office > Capital Projects Service Request (CPSR)


The Capital Project Service Request form, or CPSR, is required to request any modifications to a building's interior, or space, whether moving a door, tearing down or erecting a wall.  The form is also required to modify the utilization of a space such as additional electrical outlets, a fume hood for a laboratory, or any infrastructure modifications.

Carefully read the instructions of the CPSR and provide all the necessary information. All users are to identify funding source and amount available for the project. The form should be approved by the appropriate Vice-President or Dean. A minimum of two signatures is required to enable the form to move through the system for review by Campus Planning, Physical Facilities and Environmental Health and Safety before further action can be taken. 

If you have questions or need assistance please contact Campus Planning, Angela Johnson at 904-620-2024 or angela.johnson@unf.edu