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As a condition to approval by the Board of Trustees, the designated officer or executive director of the direct support organization shall certify that each appointee has been selected in accordance with a documented process established by the direct support organization. Foundation Raj Goswami (New Appointment: June 1, 2024-June 30, 2027) Sam Inman (New Appointment: June 1, 2024-June 30, 2027) Tom Lightcap (New Appointment: June 1, 2024-June 30, 2027) Whitney Meyer (New Appointment: June 1, 2024-June 30, 2027) Clint Pyle (New Appointment: June 1, 2024-June 30, 2027) Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Financing Corporation John Jack Allen (Renewal of Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2026) Rad Lovett (Renewal of Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2026) Joseph P. "Chuck" Moorer (Renewal of Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2026) Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Training & Services Institute (TSI) Anthony Marinatos(Renewal of Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2026) E. Lanny Russell (Renewal of Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2026) Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required MOCA Jacksonville Dita Domonkos (Reappointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2029) Marilyn Gilman (Reappointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2029) Dr. Steven Wilson (New Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2029) Anne Joseph (Extension of Appointment: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025) Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Institutional Accreditation Review and Update 1:15 PM On September 22, 2022, the Board of Trustees approved the initiation of a four-step process to transition the University's institutional accreditation from SACSCOC to HLC. Provost Patterson will present a brief overview of the accreditation process. The University will seek Board approval at its June 13, 2024 meeting to submit UNFs application to the U.S. Department of Education. Proposed Action: No Action Required Review of Governance Committee Charter 1:20 PM The Committee reviewed proposed changes to the Governance Committee Charter at its February 15, 2024 meeting. Robyn Blank, Chief Compliance Officer, will present the final draft for committee consideration. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Review of Board of Trustees Bylaws 1:25 PM At the February 15, 2024 Governance Committee meeting, Robyn Blank, Chief Compliance Officer, presented recommended revisions to the Board of Trustees Bylaws. Robyn Blank will present a final draft of the Board of Trustees Bylaws for committee consideration. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Review of Resolution on Presidential Authority 1:35 PM Minor revisions to the Resolution on Presidential Authority are being made to correspond to an update to University Policy 7.0060P and the Presidents authority to bring and settle legal claims. An additional revision provides that the Board will review the Resolution upon the appointment of a new University President, notwithstanding regular reviews pursuant to the Board Action Plan. This item will be presented by Robyn Blank, AVP and Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer and Vice President P Karen Stone. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Review of Board Self Assessment Tool 1:40 PM As part of the requirements of SACSCOC and for good governing practices, the board regularly conducts a self-assessment. A Board assessment can be extremely beneficial, as it enables the Board collectively and trustees individually to reflect on their performance and effectiveness. It also identifies issues and questions that need to be addressed, as well as ensures that outcomes drive an actionable plan for Board improvements. At the February 15, 2024, the Committee reviewed and provided input on the BOT Self-Assessment Tool. The Committee will review and provide any final feedback on the Self-Assessment Tool which Chair Hyde will present at the June 13, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting. Vice President Karen Stone will present this item. Proposed Action: No Action Required Annual Update on Progress of Board Action Plan 1:55 PM Per the 2023-2026 Board of Trustees Action Plan for Continuing Performance Improvement, the committee will annually assess progress in meeting goals and expectations of the Board Action Plan. Vice President Karen Stone will present this item. Proposed Action: No Action Required Adjournment 2:00 PM     Governance Committee Meeting Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Virtual  ?@NOk ! c k k k 6 7 D q r ݷrrrrheh)0JOJQJ^Jheh)OJQJ^J*hehM5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDh?`^J_HmHnHsHtHhM^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDhM^J_HmHnHsHtHhDhMCJ hDhM,@O! 7 r   h[$\$^h`gd) & F[$\$gd)gd)gd?` 0^`0gd?`gdDgdDgd?`gd?`    " 7 8 J ~  ȮnnXB2BBhD^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM6]^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhD5\^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDhM^J_HmHnHsHtH,hehMOJQJ^J_HmHnHsHtH2hehM5OJQJ\^J_HmHnHsHtH6heh)0J6OJQJ]^J_HmHnHsHtHheh)OJQJ^Jheh)0JOJQJ^J 8  CDEGo3E=s`gd?` & F^gd?`gd?``gdD & F.^`.gd?`^`gd?` `gd?`  & Fgd?`gd?`   "BCDEGno $23DESTW~ݱݡ~ݱݱjjY hO6]^J_HmHnHtH&h?`hM5\_HmHnHsHtH$hDhbC^J_HmHnHsHtHhbC^J_HmHnHsHtHhM^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM5\^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM6]^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDhM^J_HmHnHsHtHhD^J_HmHnHsHtH~ <=Mrst p 01ijģģڍ}vvvvccUhU0^J_HmHnHtH$hU0hU0^J_HmHnHsHtH hDhMhM^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM5\^J_HmHnHsHtHhD^J_HmHnHsHtH hO6]^J_HmHnHtH*hDhM6]^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDhM^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDhD^J_HmHnHsHtH st2VT BAwU^34679gdD $gdDgd?`gdD12BV` ST`d `  AB` ` #+1@AQnw n TUn ^n ƿƿƿƱƿƿhD^J_HmHnHtH hDhM$hDhM^J_HmHnHsHtH*hDhM5\^J_HmHnHsHtH hU0hM^J_HmHnHtHF n  *,-/23456789:;<=>?@A^_{м̊~~~h?`jh?`UhMhDh?`CJ^JhDh?`5CJ^JjhDh?`UhgGjhgGUhDhM^J hDhDhD hDhM*hDhM5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$hDhM^J_HmHnHsHtH-9:<=?@_{ $gd?`^gd?` ^gd?` (^gd?`gdD(/ =!"#$% Dd 6  3 ARvǮ7%x.Tb$D<1FvǮ7%x.Tb$JFIF  !"-&,#+2)+-0322!%8=93<.354  0%%20-0-022220200122225222222221222222222222222252252"3 @kbGVm@Huua#E†Nna&y NWɤNO"֣ixijQ *WN:;GW7ܒy8vt=3\iIa=hLKbV:sfac m_vawM>V$)fmE46N/X/4Vr! 0L^CIeFf@2 35@!%01T"24A#S dt^'omcV]q#\E{d|$hw+n؞.Gzk[l9-<a# SE#^sW2r4:q#TsVPJ%# Vjc/I"2-選6rGrS^DT[DacY'rsc\RBvه aʲ葕laFt܎Į3+"R2[#N97FҘ9BOG& Y/K"@5RvueФ~a EAo$UE2NѮ] QD%UU]8(XJ_gtDjZ19FԒ%+8[Mp UZ25$6{ՅH{O'U:Ҵ$p ZްAJ.NQ)_?O؂XPɿ'.ȪMsV+'ڟj/ڟ1!I*g5qKȉG"R\>FF !ai&BUcQO7tҳ$f h)e'لYelO*|bIⷋ 8[Or G\j椠%lګm9qWć>P ⯃8ilq[Ņ-l-KgAXP'A,CM];8C LbW0?SZ6tfI{Wag #yR܌o3ZdT-0t謢*AyD|⯃4YXOZ~aZdM/J@,JG:w"O3{M/LT OfViH9-p@#|O5_,1Hjio`);F G[z:̳ԫϲr{QQSZiu?THXѫ8y9aen2bĈWk \ڙ; [쬋:SSv;lg$`ɵv2Il*3:NV5Z`Tzh@3$<ӈQ!J`3+DTof'ypi{aCa>IVdsjnR6DWkg=Mzs.{EUPL wA PiDkV9} fƩnDZl@-%#tZjX I olj2[8橊pdUrH8-)~MFYG․Î+-Z>` }UTiC 儉@t4}|=䵲aӻNE;-A&4$ԑdtl$(Z`Um9\ LA0, AȄe : E tR%%v'F8͐oDnf~[n*}♿%T@K"u |Ni3Cx=' \IDbHXN%e!ȝ5Zڗ˯LҔN.LMB&-nivdZLdE ԵXXtU"{ytdTNrC=]Yh + 䚴,9rܾkCXX )*dʍeŵv`gŃl[c$Q4%J%hNBq ՠ!=<} =oBtleNYXRc9fG)OkdHВ$WB;4c80-c((`*j #lD"#tEےٶmfٶmmfٶmfٶmfٶm$!1 203ABQ`?rG 7 =f7G-{rMCY{H~PfVT;Q<x|zCY 4mEKllv9)1=FFGg ڇƽMw;vU9( m  ,AփZ\Y,rib(6:cbXz/!A1 "3Qq4Ba#02`?cd~W)loLə6B?=r`#G|;O,_xc>DtOo,m : CNktbu\@x?X_c/ejڌiM-Џ0EYmn-9g9@4v8e>`,#֖APh](wB+-ޥUn ґh\N0'Xs`|qUZ!)3mt 9"K !1AQa"q0B #2@CDR$EbrSs%3P ?dV!<}b1^؀no}DK{WzS\b9ONg޻]so}u%x@j=6(WxDy}P+s`zAADVaUVLY٣7'sNu=UI FuQӺH#0AЎ7xP|4O!Aݒ T\πoĠ@H"\D;[FU/$ܶqoC=vРEi2}9??gozҷƯE|ZO'mua@}GSj M(wql'vx5͵esmZWL\"{ql)i%H0Hﭫ-:ڿrUyh q!ua@}GSku~sh?agmddU T0q'4xwoyi_}3_ s6bDG᏾' N`C=vX1~?5z>2Ӱں?@?Ɖ{7'dټʳҳkI<.qrGU%\ p VA͸MHMLI>OâAȎ3_]c/ls6-H>8TUܥcVX>]I#VS "wS]㘫sBl"y'/j~jtV2׶䧴O| 1NVc)܍ږf;N\kIʮZ\R31)ާ88`ʋY'xpnGZw:Y.-Yϝ_knz$+ ` YzȆR A:۶ !B2`n̟*thĘ3q@9 \4LM("X GJ@Ԃ;I> &nFZ;KYIҒt _!hf9Ss []VP%=#`z( 2޶FWToDЏ-vȶvqJkh7F;ࠉHқm`08WSnf͢X9I\0:CgunP(S\ Kw :`ꮪ%Ywt G`2gGbg6 %8[WClF,21Xv} Gj I9ї`%~N퐥8p`h{mQض$[ AD7u olՎr([tj.nt¨OkRK4Ld)Zڒ둇g3ˑeLjuǁǝ1v{Vda$AGS ~z̷-lg]lE-ׅ*j@9𦲢F+A@wQ츍$2IF##mSf5"! =H9 ;"YGN0 T$<;ؕ!t24+#)36߻pTdhM5vHX%.1R x@m;aMձVK [2X8DT?7Ǔ*{bX ŕX PtG,$ϲ,!I-͒Ol&cr=9V#nRIm(˝6~-.1  :Ӿ˴vYųsCAG +u,p][HI \7Uq2l WIݷl{(HR1A[gbvzpA83~WkRs$iEŵ5PyF9Ų7qNoϘN##:=OMt,mի`@`dλɵ];v.->吜9;]=w !a.`O1w["U Su[cb,ť]♑[Ei[M!ș(Xfr2 mqwE1O$vtff&(ϗ,f⪨Iyqm(CٺCG"3Rہ p[P.,$Wmۺ rS2[JU",$$5#Jz3Ekġ$tN)l3.7/]pj&isSNnZFTЀd4x/{R E{Dw+0זڤn`#1i"xm[O]U&YIVm6ݴ.9k0G_, Pс 9nVx0hH002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH X`X ?`Normalx^$CJOJPJQJ_HaJmH sH tH b@b ?`Heading 1,H1 Agenda@&^ 5CJ^J\@\ ?`Heading 2,H2 Agenda & F $@&5^JDA D ?`Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k ( ?`0No List << ?` container B*^Jph{{&O& ?`pOJQJ4@4 ?`Header  H$B/!B ?` Header CharCJOJPJQJaJ4 24 ?`0Footer  H$B/AB ?`0 Footer CharCJOJPJQJaJn/Qn ?`Heading 1 Char,H1 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJn/an ?`Heading 2 Char,H2 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJ6U q6 ?` Hyperlink >*B*phZJZ ?` Subtitle,Time $^5CJ^JaJb/b ?`Subtitle Char,Time Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJf!f ?`0Subtle Emphasis,Header Title5CJOJQJ\aJV^@V )0 Normal (Web)dd[$\$^ OJPJQJ.X`. )@Emphasis6]*W * )`Strong5\PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y -2  ~1  s9@ @ 0(  B S  ?(    `TextBox 100002"?  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