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College of Arts and Sciences

Standard Syllabi Material

This page includes material the College of Arts and Sciences recommends for every course syllabus. In order to help faculty keep syllabi shorter, the College has placed this material on this page. This allows faculty to replace all the text below with a link to this page.

Student Health and Well-Being

海角社区enhances students' total educational experience by providing a confidential and supportive environment for students with mental health concerns.

  • The 海角社区Counseling Center can help students who are having difficulties managing stress, adjusting to college, dealing with feeling sad and hopeless, or having any other mental health issue. You can reach the Counseling Center, by calling (904)-620-2602, or coming to Founders Hall (Bldg 2), Room 2300. If you or someone you know is in crisis, in-person emergency services are available 8am – 5pm Monday-Friday. Students may speak to a counselor after hours by calling (904) 620-2602, wait for the voice prompt, and select option two.
  • The Victim Advocacy Program provides confidential crisis intervention services to anyone in the 海角社区community impacted by crime or victimization. Services offered range from emotional support to assistance navigating the criminal justice system. The Victim Advocacy Program is located in Founders Hall (Bldg 2), Suite 2100. Students may contact the 24-hour Crisis Helpline at (904) 620-1010. For more information visit Victim Advocacy.
  • The SOS Program provides intervention and support for students exhibiting behaviors that cause concern due to their disruptive or threatening nature. If any community member becomes aware of a student exhibiting signs of distress, they should complete an SOS referral form available on the Dean of Students web site, or call (904) 620-1491.
  • The Student Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, independent and informal resource for students experiencing any type of problem or challenge in or outside of the classroom. This includes assistance in understanding academic and financial aid appeal processes. Petway Hall (Bldg. 57), Suite 2700, (904) 620-1491


Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is one of UNF’s foundational values. Academic misconduct consists of any attempt to misrepresent one's performance on any exercise submitted for evaluation. Please review the University policy on academic integrity

The 海角社区Student Handbook identifies several types of violations; these include but are not limited to: cheating; fabricating and falsifying information or citations; submitting the same work for credit in more than one course; plagiarizing; providing another student with access to one’s own work to submit under this person’s name or signature; destroying, stealing, or making inaccessible library or other academic resource material; and helping or attempting to help another person commit an act of academic dishonesty. 海角社区authorizes any instructor who finds evidence of cheating, plagiarism, or other wrongful behavior that violates the 海角社区Academic Integrity Policy to take appropriate action. Possible action includes, but is not limited to, failing the student on the work in question, failing the student for the course, referral to the appropriate support service (Counseling, Advising, other assistance), referral of the charges to the Dean/Chairperson/Director of the academic unit in which the student is enrolled with a recommendation for one or more of the following: temporary or permanent loss of use of a University facility, suspension from a College, Department, or program, expulsion from the University, or referral to Student Affairs for a violation of the Student Conduct Code. The consequences of a breach of academic integrity may result in an F, which is unforgivable, regardless of withdrawal status.


海角社区is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all who interact in our community. To accomplish this intent, 海角社区shall not commit or permit discrimination or harassment on the basis of genetic information, race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or veteran status in any educational, employment, social or recreational program or activity it offers. Similarly, 海角社区will not commit or permit retaliation against an individual who complains of discrimination or harassment or an individual who cooperates in an investigation of an alleged violation of University Regulation. In exercising these standards, the University will not abridge either free speech or academic freedom based on its context. Accordingly, any member of the 海角社区community who believes that they have been subjected to discrimination, discriminatory harassment, retaliation, or sexual misconduct may seek guidance, counseling and/or file a complaint by contacting the Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion. The office is located in Daniel Hall (Bldg 1), Suite 1201, www.unf.edu/eoi/, (904) 620-2507. The office may be reached via 711 Florida Relay for persons who are deaf, are hard of hearing, or have speech impairments and/or limitations.

Students with Disabilities

海角社区is committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities. Student Accessibility Center (SAC) promotes and facilitates partnerships among 海角社区students with disabilities and the 海角社区community. Students with disabilities who seek reasonable accommodations in the classroom or other aspects of performing their coursework must first register with SAC, located in Petway Hall (Bldg 57), Room 1500. SAC staff members work with students to obtain required documentation of disability and to identify appropriate accommodations as required by applicable disability laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). After receiving all necessary documentation, the SAC staff determines whether a student qualifies for services with SAC and if so, the accommodations the student requires will be provided. SAC staff then prepares a letter for the student to provide faculty advising them of approved accommodations. For further information, contact SAC, (904) 620-2769, SAC@unf.edu, www.unf.edu/sac/.

Military and Veteran Students

海角社区is committed to ensuring that military-affiliated students successfully make the transition from the military environment to campus life and are assisted in their progress toward completing their academic degree. Military and veteran students may be utilizing VA education benefits to continue postsecondary education goals and may need both physical and academic support. Students who require assistance with VA education benefits or any other military-affiliated questions should contact the Military and Veterans Resource Center, Founders Hall (Bldg 2), Room 1100, (904) 620-5131, mvrc@unf.edu.

Technical Support

If you experience any problems with your 海角社区email account or other technology problems, you may send an email to: helpdesk@unf.edu or call the 海角社区Computer Helpdesk at 904-620-4357.

Disruptive Behavior

海角社区is committed to values that promote the welfare and positive transformation of individuals, communities, and societies. The Student Code of Conduct prohibits disruptive behavior

See here for the discussion on Potential responses to disruptive behavior.