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Botanical Garden

Gamolepis chrysanthemoides (syn. Euryops chrysanthemoides) - African bush daisy

Gamolepis chrysanthemoides
Gamolepis chrysanthemoides
Gamolepis chrysanthemoides

Family Asteraceae


This is a small genus of daisies from southern Africa. This native of southern Africa is a shrubby evergreen plant to three feet tall with bright yellow daisy flowers. Flowering is heaviest during the cool months of the year. It grows best in a dry situation and is noted as "deer resistant."



See plants can be seen at the sidewalk circles northwest of the Administration Building and northwest of building 51.


Herbaceous plant to two to three feet tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun

Water: very drought tolerant when established

Soil: well-drained, best in low pH

This is an easy plant for northeast Florida. It grows best in a sunny, well-drained site. Prune as needed to keep the plant compact. It will flower again on the new growth.

Pruning may be required to keep the plant low and full