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Botanical Garden

Belamcanda chinensis - Blackberry lily

Belamcanda chinensis
Belamcanda chinensis
Belamcanda chinensis

Family Iridaceae


Two species of Belamcanda are native to Asia. The blackberry lily is the only one common in cultivation. Its iris-like foliage is about twelve to twenty-four inches tall with the flower spike rising above the foliage. Yellow to orange flowers are produced in summer. Summer flowers are followed by a dry cluster of black fruits that resemble the fruit of the blackberry. The plant is deciduous in winter.


Plants can be seen on the south side of parking garage 44.


A herbaceous plant that grows to twelve to twenty-four inches tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun to part shade

Water: well-drained soil, tolerates drought

Soil: average garden soil

Blackberry lily is an easy plant for north Florida gardens. Plants are uncommon in local nurseries but it is available from seed catalogs and grows quickly from seed. For best results, give this plant a sunny location with a well-drained soil.